Automobile Universities
The Moscow State Automobile and Road Technical University was established in 1930 based on the Automobile Department of the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers and the Higher School of Roads. At the time of its organization, university had two study faculties – road construction and automobile engineering. Now Moscow Automobile and Road Construction State Technical University is one of the largest universities in Russia, the leading research and educational center for training bachelors, training specialists, training masters, and training researchers in various fields: road building, bridges construction, and airport construction, operation and service of transport, economics science and management in transport and construction, automated systems of management, traffic safety, and management. Now at Moscow Automobile and Road Construction State Technical University are more than 140 doctors of science, and 500 full and associate professors, who teach more than 16,000 local and international students in undergraduate courses, graduate courses, and postgraduate courses.
Siberian State Automobile and Highway University began its history in 1930 and nowadays the university is one of the leading educational establishments in the Siberian region. Siberian State Automobile and Highway University train highly skilled specialists for construction, transport, road-building, and related industries of the Urals, Siberia, the Far East, and the Far North, while maintaining and developing the traditions of the best Russian engineering schools. Today Siberian State Automobile and Highway University is the center for innovative technological and social development of the primary industries and the Omsk region. The University has a developed material and technical base, laboratory facilities, modern computer technology, and a considerable library of over 700,000 volumes.