Aviation Universities

Rybinsk State Aviation Technical University named after P.A. Solovyov is an Aviation University in the city of Rybinsk. Rybinsk State Aviation Technical University was established in 1932 as Rybinsk Aviation Institute named after S. Ordzhonikidze. During World War II Rybinsk State Aviation Technical University was evacuated to Ufa city, where after some time Rybinsk State Aviation Technical University transformed into Ufa Aviation Institute. The new aviation university in Rybinsk was opened on the 25th of May in 1955 as an evening Aviation Technology Institute with two faculties – Aircraft Mechanics and Aircraft Technology. Rybinsk State Aviation Technical University provides training in the design and production of aircraft engines, study general engineering, study instrumentation, study control of the economy, study socio-cultural service and tourism, study quality management, study information technology, study programming, and study computer technology. Rybinsk State Aviation Technical University currently enrolls over 7,000 students in 23 study departments.

The Ulyanovsk Civil Aviation Institute is a state educational institution of higher professional education in Ulyanovsk, Russia. The right to educational activity in the School is authorized by a license issued by the Russian Federation Ministry of general education and professional education on 1 April 1999 and a certificate of state approval granted by the Russian Federation Ministry of Education on 7 December 1999. The School owns Certificate 005 of the Federal Aviation Authority of Russia dated by 20 February 2002. Ulyanovsk Higher Education School of Civil Aviation is the oldest Russian institution for the training of flight crews and studying civil aviation. Ulyanovsk Higher Education School of Civil Aviation has two branches Krasnokutsky Flight School of Civil Aviation and Sasovo Flight School of Civil Aviation. Ulyanovsk Higher Education School of Civil Aviation was established in 1935 in Bataysk city – a small town near Rostov-on-Don to give students opportunities to study flight work, study airspace organization, study operation of civil aircraft, and study aviation security.

Ufa State Aviation Technical University is the leading aviation institution and largest technical university city of Ufa and Bashkortostan. It is the center of Russian technical science and Russian culture and provides a high-quality studying process to increase the level of theoretical knowledge and practical skills of prominent young specialists who study aviation, study aircraft, study engineering, and study physics. Ufa State Aviation Technical University is one of the oldest universities in the Ufa region. University is organized in 1932 as Rybinsk Aviation Institute, later in 1942 Rybinsk Aviation Institute was installed in a permanent location in Ufa as Ufa Aviation Institute named after Ordzhonikidze. In 1992 Ufa Aviation Institute was renamed Ufa State Aviation Technical University.

Siberian State Aerospace University was established in 1960 and has carried different names as the Institute of cosmic technology since 1989, and the Siberian aerospace academy since 1992. In 1996, the academy was renamed after the member of the Academy Mikhail Fyodorovich Reshetnyov. In 2002, the academy got the status of a university and accreditation from the Ministry of Higher Education and Science of the Russian Federation. The university has a license from the Russian Federal Space Agency to study civil aviation, study mechanical engineering, study humanities, and study technologies. The university carries out basic research in cosmic science and works on its research subjects with local and foreign enterprises. The basic facilities for conducting the university’s research activity are Krasmash (the main manufacturer of the ballistic rockets for the submarines), informative satellite systems (the main manufacturer and producer of the communications satellites, tele-broadcasting, navigation, and geodesy in Russia), and KrasAir (one of the best airlines of Russia).

Aerospace Engineering University of Moscow (National Research University) is one of the most prestigious higher education institutions in the field of Russian aviation and aerospace engineering in Russia. The Aerospace Engineering University of Moscow is a combination of modern teaching methods, a Techno-park, equipped classrooms, numerous scientific laboratories, 12 research centers, and education centers, 7 resource centers, a Pilot Training Plant, an airfield, and a developed social infrastructure. The Aerospace Engineering University of Moscow was founded in 1930 to provide professional training for qualified personnel for the aviation industry and engineering industries. In 1925 Bauman Moscow State Technical University organized the aeromechanical department which was converted into the Faculty of Aeromechanics in 1930. On March 20, 1930, Bauman Moscow State Technical University decided to open five specialized engineering schools. Aeromechanical School for Graduates was one of the technical schools among them. Aeromechanical School for Graduates was organized with three divisions: Aircraft Manufacturing, Motors, and Aeronautics.

Moscow State Technical University (Bauman Moscow State Technical University) is the first technical university in Russia. Moscow State Technical University is Russia’s National Research University, and Research Center, and a valuable object of cultural heritage for the people of Russia. After establishing the main purpose of Imperial Moscow Technical College was to form engineers, architects, and mechanical engineers. In 1938, Moscow Higher Technical School opened the new Department of Defense, later in 1948 the Faculty of Rocketry was added. On July 27, 1989, by the decision of the USSR State Committee for Public Education, Moscow Higher Technical School was named after N.E. Bauman and awarded the status of a technical university. Till now the University has trained about 200,000 prominent engineers and technical scientists who are known public figures of high rank, outstanding chief designers, famous scientists, managers of large organizations, and astronauts. Today Bauman Moscow State Technical University has 1,800 international students in 70 study departments and a teaching staff of 4,500 prominent professors and teachers.

Saint Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation is one of the famous universities in the Aviation Industry located in Saint Petersburg. Saint Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation was established in 1941 as the Leningrad Institute of Aviation. SUAI trains international students and local students of Undergraduate courses, Postgraduate courses, and Doctoral levels of education. The University has world-class scientific research teams, modern educational programs for priority research fields and critical technologies, and lasting productive connections with Russian and international high-technology industries. The first year of Saint Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation was started with 1,200 students in the fields of aerospace engineering and aviation. Today Saint Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation consists of 6 study institutes, 13 study faculties, and 40 study departments. They aim to train highly qualified and competent specialists capable of developing advanced technologies and modern industries.

Saint Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation is a leading Aviation University in Saint Petersburg city of the Russian Federation. Saint Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation was established in 1955 as an Aviation School of Higher Education. In 1972 Aviation School of Higher Education was reorganized into the Saint Petersburg Academy of Civil Aviation. In 2004 Saint Petersburg Academy of Civil Aviation received University status and became Saint Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation, one of the most prominent educational establishments in Russia. Today Saint Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation is a composition of five study branches, three study institutes, six study faculties, and 40 study departments. They aim to provide quality educational processes and permanent assistance in all issues concerning studying and research activity.

Petlyakov Taganrog Aviation College is one of the oldest educational institutions in the South of Russia. Petlyakov Taganrog Aviation College is a secondary specialized educational institution that was established in connection with the perceived need for qualified technicians for the fast-growing industry of Taganrog and mining areas of Donbas. Taganrog Aviation College was founded in 1899 as Taganrog Technical School which in 1920 changed into Taganrog Metallurgical College and in 1930 it became Taganrog Aviation College. Taganrog Aviation College continues to train specialists in their traditional specialties in the fields of Aircraft Manufacturing, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Software Technology, and Automated Systems. Today Taganrog Aviation College has 7 study faculties, 44 study departments, and a staff of 650 qualified teachers. Every year Taganrog Aviation College enrolls 3,500 prominent students. Since 1899 Taganrog Aviation College has trained 45,000 professionals in aircraft and engineering.

Troitsk Aviation Technical College is a branch of Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation in Troitsk. It is one of the largest educational institutions in Russian civil aviation. The college provides a studying process for young and prominent students, that want to obtain a higher degree in a quality educational establishment and open themselves to a vast amount of career perspectives. Troitsk Aviation Technical College was established in 1947 and become one of the first centers of preparation for specialists in aviation and aerospace engineering. At present Troitsk Aviation Technical College is a modern educational complex that has four academic buildings, two dormitories, a dining room, a library with a large reading room, three gymnasiums, and a club for three hundred people.