Vet. Medicine & Agriculture Universities

Chechen State University in Russia is one of the oldest higher educational institutions in the city of Grozny. Chechen State University in Russia was established in 1938 as a Teacher Training Institute by Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic to give students the ability to get a higher degree in Russia. On September 1, 1938 Teachers Training Institute was transformed into the Chechen-Ingush State Pedagogical Institute in Russia with a four-year training period. In 1971 the educational institution in Russia was transformed into the Chechen-Ingush State University. In 1980 the University already had 8 study faculties to study economics and study management in Russia. In 1990 Chechen-Ingush State University opened its Medical Faculty in Russia and started providing a high-quality educational process for future medical specialists and giving them the ability to study medicine and study dentistry in Russia. On 28 February 1995, the Chechen-Ingush State University was renamed Chechen State University in Russia.

The Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia is a state university and research institution in Moscow. It was established in 1960 to provide higher education in Russia to international students and increase the level of higher education in Russia. This University is a state educational institution in Russia working under the Government of the Russian Federation, occupying one of the top places among classical universities in Russia and a leading position in training international students who study humanities in Russia. University provides a studying process in Russia for more than 21,500 prominent students and gives them the ability to get a higher degree in Russia, study law in Russia, and study languages in Russia. The university staff includes about 5,000 highly qualified academicians, among them are 442 professors and Doctors of Science, 807 associate professors and Candidates of Science, 91 Academicians and Corresponding Members of academies of Russia, and 50 Honored workers of Science of the Russian Federation. More than 56 teachers and professors are full members of international academies and learned societies, as well as other general employees.

Altai State Agrarian University (ASAU) is one of the largest higher institutions in the country. It was founded in 1943. The University trains specialists in agriculture, economics, and natural sciences. It provides students with the opportunity to get quality Russian degrees in full-time courses and extramural courses. The university focuses on the personal and professional development of students and academic staff, increasing their level of employment and mobility. To achieve this goal priority is given to joint scientific research activities with foreign universities and scientific organizations, joint international publications, qualification upgrading of research and teaching staff through academic and internship programs abroad, and the participation of post-graduate students and undergraduate students in international scientific and academic programs to study natural sciences abroad.

Bashkir State Agrarian University, BSAU is one of the oldest agricultural higher education institutions of Russia and a center of education and research in the Bashkortostan Republic. In 1992 it was accredited by the Ministry of Higher Education in Russia and received the status of a higher educational establishment. It is the best place to study in Russia and get a higher degree in Russia. Students of the university have high professional qualifications and creative potential – qualities that allow them to learn new areas of knowledge, create new technologies, and be in demand in different fields of activity. Due to cooperation agreements with foreign universities, students and teachers of the University have the option of participating in academic exchange programs and internships abroad. University educated more than 70,000 qualified engineers, scientists, and IT specialists. The main designers of weapons, and ammunition systems, directors of defense enterprises, prominent parties, state figures, and cosmonaut pilots came out of the walls of the university. Today, many of them are at the helm of enterprises, firms, design bureaus, and head scientific teams.

Bryansk State Agricultural Academy was established in 1980 and was formerly known as the main agricultural educational establishment in the city. The university is known for its educational, scientific, historical, and cultural traditions. It provides quality studying processes in the fields of agriculture, general sciences, and natural sciences. Bryansk State Agriculture University entered into an association of classical universities in Russia, head of the Moscow State University named after Lomonosov. The University emphasizes the innovative orientation of the structure and content of graduate training, access to education for every single person, and the establishment of a mobile competitive educational environment for the right to choose the education route. The university maintains strong ties with Russian universities and foreign scientific schools. These include the Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, and the Moscow branch of the Institute of Mathematics of Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg Institute of Euler, Yale University of Massachusetts (USA), Institute of Mathematics, Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Belarus, Armenia, several research centers in Poland, Sweden, and Norway.

Philipov Buryat State Agricultural Academy is a federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education, one of the leading educational and scientific centers of Siberia and the Far East of Russia. The Academy was founded on August 13, 1931, as the Agro-Pedagogical Institute in the Buryat-Mongolian Republic. The structure of Philipov Buryat State Agricultural Academy includes 6 study faculties, 3 study institutes, an agrotechnical college, subdivisions of educational, research activities and production, and economic activities. University provides studying processes at the Institute of Further Education and the Institute of Land Management, Cadastres, and Land Reclamation.

Far East State Agrarian University is a university located in the city of Blagoveshchensk in the country of Russian Federation (Russia). It’s a bright representative of Russian higher education, who managed to preserve and multiply the achievements of national and world engineering courses and technical education in Russia. University ranks among the first universities in Russia for the success of graduates. A University is an institute of research and higher education. At a university, you can study for academic degrees in a lot of different study programs such as Architecture, Art and design, Biosciences, Business, Chemical engineering, Chemistry, Civil engineering, History, Economics, Finance and accounting, Language, Medicine, Law, Physics and much more. University accepts local and international students. The medium of instruction of Russian and English. Students can apply for Bachelor’s courses, Masters’s courses, and Ph.D. degree programs. The university is an officially registered university with the Ministry of Higher Education in Russia. Due to numerous cooperation agreements with foreign universities and international organizations, students and members of academic staff can take part in exchange programs and internships abroad to get new theoretical knowledge and practical experience.

Irkutsk State Agrarian University was established in 1934 as Irkutsk Agricultural Institute. It consisted of four study faculties: agronomy, zoo technology, veterinary and agricultural mechanization. At that time Irkutsk State Agrarian University was the only agrarian university on the territory of Eastern Siberia. University accepts local and international students. The medium of instruction of Russian and English. Students can apply for Bachelor’s courses, Master’s courses, and Ph.D. degree programs. The university is an officially registered university with the Ministry of Higher Education in Russia. Due to numerous cooperation agreements with foreign universities and international organizations, students and members of academic staff can take part in exchange programs and internships abroad to get new theoretical knowledge and practical experience. Educational programs that Irkutsk State Agrarian University held courses in different forms of their coverage such as full-time courses, part-time courses, or distance learning, different types of their coverage (main studies or parallel studies), and delivery methods (stationary study programs and distance study programs). Computer classrooms and laboratories of the University are equipped with modern hardware and licensed software.

Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy is a public university located in Izhevsk, Russia. It was founded in 1931. For the years of the university’s research activity and study activity, more than 50,000 highly qualified specialists have been trained in the field of agriculture. The Academy is rightfully proud of its graduates, who head the advanced agricultural enterprises of the republic. Among graduates of the university are deputies of the State Council and members of the government of the Udmurt Republic. University facilities include seven well-equipped academic buildings, renovated student hostels, a large technical science library, a computing center, a publishing house, student clubs, a theater (the Kaleidoscope Student Theatre), a preventive clinic, as well as a skiing lodge, a private swimming pool, and a university sports club and university rest camp. University also provides several academic and non-academic facilities and services to students including options of studying abroad, taking part in exchange programs, visiting online courses and distance learning opportunities, as well as administrative services. University offers 4 bachelor programs in English medium, as well as a preparatory course for those wishing to proceed with Russian-taught programs.

V.M. Kokov Kabardino-Balkarian State Agrarian University is one of the largest agricultural universities of the North Caucasus. University was formed in 1981 and has 59 programs of higher professional education, 16 courses of master’s training, and 9 programs of secondary vocational education. The teaching staff consists of 457 teachers, including 76 doctors of science, 72 professors, 294 candidates of sciences, and 230 associate professors working in 42 departments. The university employs 47 employees who hold the honorary title of federal and regional importance. University accepts local and international students. The medium of instruction of Russian and English. Students can apply for Bachelor’s courses, Masters’s courses, and Ph.D. degree programs. The university is an officially registered university with the Ministry of Higher Education in Russia. Due to numerous cooperation agreements with foreign universities and international organizations, students and members of academic staff can take part in exchange programs and internships abroad to get new theoretical knowledge and practical experience.

Kazan State Agricultural University or formally, the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Kazan State Agrarian University” is a higher educational institution in the system of training, retraining, and advanced training of employees of the Russian Ministry of Agriculture, located in the city of Kazan, Tatarstan, Russia. University accepts local and international students. The medium of instruction of Russian and English. Students can apply for Bachelor’s courses, Masters’s courses, and Ph.D. degree programs. The university is an officially registered university with the Ministry of Higher Education in Russia. Due to numerous cooperation agreements with foreign universities and international organizations, students and members of academic staff can take part in exchange programs and internships abroad to get new theoretical knowledge and practical experience. Educational programs in University held courses in different forms of their coverage such as full-time courses, part-time courses, or distance learning, different types of their coverage (main studies or parallel studies), and delivery methods (stationary study programs and distance study programs). Computer classrooms and laboratories of the University are equipped with modern hardware and licensed software.

Kuban State Agrarian University is a higher educational institution with a rich history, progressive present, and reliable future. It was founded in 1922. Since its foundation, the University has prepared more than 130,000 specialists. At the moment more than 17,000 students are studying in 17 study faculties as full-time courses or correspondence students. The University Campus consists of 22 academic and laboratory buildings, 20 student dormitories for 9,000 international and local students, a modern sports complex with a swimming pool and a UEFA stadium, and even its own university clinic and sanitarium. Foreign prospective students are welcome to study Russian at KubSAU Preparation Faculty language courses. University facilities include seven well-equipped academic buildings, renovated student hostels, a large technical science library, a computing center, a publishing house, student clubs, a theater (the Kaleidoscope Student Theatre), a preventive clinic, as well as a skiing lodge, a private swimming pool, and a university sports club and university rest camp.

Michurinsk State Agrarian University is one of the oldest Russian agricultural institutions of higher education. It has become well-known due to its unique scientific research in the sphere of horticulture, as well as due to the training of qualified agricultural professionals. The academy provides all the conditions necessary for the educational activities of the university: there is a library and publishing center, an institute of professional development and additional general and vocational education, a center for student creativity, etc. The academy employs more than 900 members of academic staff, including lecturers, training and support staff, and service personnel. All educational units of the academy such as educational institutions, and study departments are headed by teachers with academic degrees and titles. Educational activities in the academy are carried out in the squares, enshrined in the right of operational management of the orders of the Territorial Office of the Federal Agency for the Management of Federal Property in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic and the city of Sochi.

Nizhegorod State Agriculture Academy was established in 1961. Today NSAA is the largest agricultural higher education institution in the Volga Federal District. It is one of the best places to get higher education in the Russian Federation and takes one of the leading places in the region in quality of education, availability of technical equipment, and conditions of scientific research and study process. The main aim of studying activity is to resolve tasks in the areas of heat and electric power industry, electrical engineering and electronics, environment conservation, and rational utilization of the resources of the Republic of Tatarstan, Volga Region, and Western Urals. On the amount and the quality, scientific works performed by NSAA are among the best among the educational institutions of higher learning in the Russian Federation.

Novosibirsk State Agrarian University is a State University located in Novosibirsk, Russia. It was founded in 1936. The Novosibirsk State Agrarian University is a large scientific and educational center and is widely known in Russia and abroad. It works for the needs of the population and agricultural production in Western Siberia. The Novosibirsk State Agrarian University provides a studying process for more than 5,000 local and international students. The teaching staff of the NSAU includes approximately 599 academic specialists. More than 5,000 full-time students receive higher education in the university, about 6,000 people are enrolled in correspondence courses and about 2,000 students receive secondary vocational education. The Russian higher-education institution has a selective admission policy based on entrance examinations and students’ past academic records and grades. University also provides several academic and non-academic facilities and services to students including a university library, students dormitory, sports facilities, internships abroad, study abroad and exchange programs, as well as administrative services.

Omsk State Agrarian University is a public agricultural higher education institution located in the city of Omsk (Russia). The university has a large territory and a green campus space located within the city. Omsk SAU consists of the main university located in Omsk, its branch in the city of Tara, and the University College of Agribusiness. Omsk SAU scholars have founded 28 scientific schools of thought that are still being developed by university faculty staff and students. The university has gained significant experience in selective breeding and genetics of field crops. Scientists at Omsk SAU Genetics and Breeding Center have created varieties of high-yielding wheat resistant to adverse conditions. The Russian Ministry of Agriculture considers Omsk SAU a leading agrarian institution in the Omsk region. These universities are leaders in implementing educational programs and doing research that contribute to the technological renewal of agriculture. University provides Bachelor’s programs, Master’s programs, and Postgraduate programs for Russian students and develops advanced Master’s programs with English medium of instruction. Students and teaching staff at Omsk SAU are involved in a variety of research activities and grant programs in Russian universities and universities abroad.

Orenburg State Agrarian University is a modern institution of higher education that provides training for highly qualified specialists in engineering, agronomy, veterinary, forestry, management, information technology, law, and other professions. It was founded in 1930. The educational process is provided by 7 study faculties, 3 study institutes, and 5 study branches. University provides studying of Bachelor’s programs, Master’s programs, and Postgraduate programs for Russian students and develop advanced Master’s programs with English medium of instruction. Students and teaching staff at Orenburg State Agrarian University are involved in a variety of research activities and grant programs in Russian universities and universities abroad. University provides a studying process for over 2,500 students in undergraduate courses and postgraduate students, prominent teachers, and staff. Instruction is delivered by highly-qualified specialists, with degrees of Doctor of Science and Ph.D. degrees. The University offers a wide range of training programs for higher education and secondary vocational education, postgraduate training programs, and programs of additional vocational training.

Penza State Agrarian University (PGAU) is a state university in the city of Penza, founded in 1951. University is a large scientific and educational center and is widely known in Russia and abroad. It works for the needs of the population and agricultural production in Western Siberia. More than 48 doctors of sciences, professors, and more than 134 candidates of sciences are engaged in vocational training of students and scientific research. Many of them are academicians and corresponding members of various academies and have honorary titles. Over 4,500 local and international students and more than 70 graduate students annually study at the university. Teams of students of all study faculties in the specialties participate in student scientific olympiads of various ranks and take prizes.

Perm State Agricultural Academy was established in 1918. Intellectual resources in the university consist of 40 doctors of sciences and more than 200 candidates of sciences work on the preparation of scientific and pedagogical staff in postgraduate education in 12 study specialties. There are 9 study faculties in the structure of the academy. In the student scientific society and circles, more than 2,000 local and international students have engaged annually. Academy has an integrated system of training compound of theoretical training of students with industrial activity at the base enterprises. They can take part in scientific research and continue training in postgraduate study.

Primorsk State Agricultural Institute was founded on the 1st of October, 1957 on the basis of the Yaroslavskiy Institute of Agriculture (1944). In 1997 it got the status of an Academy and became the Federal State Budget Establishment of Higher Professional Training and the best place to study in Russia. The process of training and education involves about 376 teachers; among them, there are academicians (21 members of different Academies), 25 honored workers of Higher Education, 39 doctors (professors), and 180 candidates of sciences (associate professors). The Academy combines classical educational traditions with modern studying technologies and curricula in its work. Since its creation, the higher education institution has always kept up to date constantly expanding the range of academic programs according to the state demand for engineering staff, increasing the quality of specialists’ training, and achieving international recognition.

Rostov-on-Don State Academy of Agricultural Machine Building was established in 1960 as a factory-technical school with Rostselmash. In 1991, the VTUZ was transformed into the Rostov-on-Don State Academy of Agricultural Machine Building (RIATM), and in 1995 it received the status of a higher educational institution. Now the teaching staff of the Academy includes more than 230 people, including 140 candidates of science, 20 doctors of science, and professors. The International Training Institute of the University has more than 500 international students from 30 countries. There are traditional exchange programs of teaching and scientific personnel with European universities for mutual training. Students’ programs of academic exchange, including double degree programs, are actively developed as well. The mission of the Rostov-on-Don State Academy of Agricultural Machine Building is to provide quality education and allow graduates to integrate into an all-Russian and international educational and research space, forming high moral qualities of a person, purposeful getting and accumulation of new knowledge in the sphere of applied biotechnology and other spheres of activity of the university, dissemination of that knowledge in the decision of complex tasks in the development of the sector.

Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy is one of the oldest agrarian educational institutions in Moscow, Russia. It was founded on December 3, 1865. It is under the Supervisory of the Russian Ministry of Agriculture. It was named for Kliment Timiryazev, a Russian botanist and physiologist and major proponent of evolution by natural selection. Over 18,000 local and international students study energy saving and environment-oriented technologies courses; economics courses, business organization, and management courses, accounting and finance courses, foreign economic enterprise activity courses, and marketing and agribusiness courses with extensive use of economic and mathematical methods and IT technology in University.

Ryazan State Agrotechnological University is a scientific training and production complex having 7 study departments, 44 study faculties, branches of the faculties, an engineering-economic institute, an advanced vocational training institute, a resource center, profile classes in secondary schools, and research institutions of different profiles. Today the University uses computers and different information technologies in the training process. It presupposes the practical study and integration of modern teaching methods in the educational process and science. The institution has been among the first in Russia to start the target specialists training under contract with the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of Ryazan oblast and the Government of Ryazan oblast. The University possesses a modern material and technical base. It has 6 educational buildings, six comfortable dorms, a university library, an aid post, a health camp «Laskovo»; a sports center, including a stadium, 5 university gyms, and a Recreation center.

Saint-Petersburg State Agrarian University is one of the oldest agrarian educational institutions in the North-West region of the Russian Federation. As of 2022, the university has about 5,000 students, including about 330 international students from 34 countries. Saint-Petersburg State Agrarian University offers 65 main educational programs and 55 additional professional educational programs. The university trains specialists in 24 Bachelor’s degree programs, 15 Master’s degree programs, and 23 postgraduate programs. The mission of the university is to provide quality education and allow graduates to integrate into an all-Russian and international educational and research space, forming high moral qualities of a person, purposeful getting and accumulation of new knowledge in the sphere of applied biotechnology and other spheres of activity of the university, dissemination of that knowledge in the decision of complex tasks in the development of the sector.

Samara State Agricultural Academy (SSAA) is an integral training, scientific, methodological, and technological institution in the agro-industrial complex of Russia. It produces university degree specialists, provides qualification promotion courses for specialists with university degrees, and upgrades for managers, specialists, and researchers from the agricultural sector, universities, and research centers as well as carrying out fundamental and applied scientific research. SSAA comprises 8 study departments, 3 research laboratories, 1 research division that includes 7 research laboratories, and an experimental farm with an overall area of about 6,000 ha. Annually the University studies around 500 highly qualified specialists for agriculture in the Russian Federation. University provides studying of Bachelor’s programs, Master’s programs, and Postgraduate programs for Russian students and develop advanced Master’s programs with English medium of instruction. Students and teaching staff at University are involved in a variety of research activities and grant programs in Russian universities and universities abroad.

The State Agrarian University of the Northern Trans-Urals is a regional center for educational activities, scientific provision, and production of science-intensive products in the agro-industrial complex of the Tyumen region. It was established in 1959. The university trains over 4,500 international and local students and students in full-time and part-time forms of study in 16 areas of bachelor’s training, 11 areas of masters training, 7 areas of postgraduate education, 8 professional retraining programs, and 4 areas of professional development in five study institutes. University provides Bachelor’s programs, Master’s programs, and Postgraduate programs for Russian students and develops advanced Master’s programs with English medium of instruction. Students and teaching staff at University are involved in a variety of research activities and grant programs in Russian universities and universities abroad.

Stavropol State Agrarian University is a state institution of higher education in Stavropol, Northern Caucasus. According to the state license, the University has a right to perform an education activity including 126 programs (specialist degree, bachelor degree, and master’s degree programs), where 18,500 local and international students are studying. The university structure consists of 9 study faculties, 51 chairs, 90 innovation labs and centers, a techno-park “UniverAgro”, publishing complex “AGRUS”, 32 minor innovation ventures, a horse physical culture school, a vivarium, and a research library. The faculty comprises about over 300 teachers with over 145 of them holding Ph.D. degrees and 9 with doctorate degrees. University provides studying of Bachelor’s programs, Master’s programs, and Postgraduate programs for Russian students and develop advanced Master’s programs with English medium of instruction. Students and teaching staff are involved in a variety of research activities and grant programs in Russian universities and universities abroad.

Ulyanovsk State Agriculture University named after P.A. Stolypin is a public institution of higher professional, secondary, and post-graduate professional education. Today Ulyanovsk Agricultural Academy is an authoritative high institution not only in Russia but also abroad. It fully realizes the principle of the continuity of education: the university conducts the preparation of students in 18 study specialties and 13 areas of higher professional education, 5 programs of master’s training, and 6 specialties of secondary vocational education. Training of scientific and pedagogical staff is carried out on 17 scientific specialties of postgraduate study and 2 specialties of doctoral studies. The Russian higher-education institution has a selective admission policy based on entrance examinations and students’ past academic records and grades. University also provides several academic and non-academic facilities and services to students including a university library, students dormitory, sports facilities, internships abroad, study abroad and exchange programs, as well as administrative services.

Volgograd State Agrarian University (VolgaAU) is the highest agricultural educational institution in Russia, one of the universities of Volgograd. Volgograd State Agricultural University was founded in 1944. Today the Volgograd State Agricultural University is one of the biggest educational and scientific centers that train highly qualified specialists for an agro-industrial complex of the Lower Volga region and other subjects of the Russian Federation. The Russian higher-education institution has a selective admission policy based on entrance examinations and students’ past academic records and grades. University also provides several academic and non-academic facilities and services to students including a university library, students dormitory, sports facilities, internships abroad, study abroad and exchange programs, as well as administrative services.

Voronezh State Agricultural University was founded in 1912 and named after Emperor Peter the Great. At present, Voronezh State Agrarian University is one of the largest agrarian universities in Russia, as well as the research, educational and cultural center of the Black Earth Region. It is also one of the leaders in the sphere of international cooperation: the University has partners in more than 25 countries. More than 15,000 local and international students studying at the University can choose from 19 majors, 30 specializations, and 52 qualifications. Post-graduate students can choose from 36 specializations. The total number of the staff is more than 1,400, including 664 teachers with Ph.D. degrees or Doctors degrees. University provides a studying process for over 9,500 students in undergraduate courses and postgraduate students, prominent teachers, and staff. Instruction is delivered by highly-qualified specialists, with degrees of Doctor of Science and Ph.D. degrees. The University offers a wide range of training programs for higher education and secondary vocational education, postgraduate training programs, and programs of additional vocational training.

Yakut State Agricultural Academy is a basic agricultural higher educational institution with the accreditation of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation in the North-East of Russia, which provides professional educational programs for higher education in Russia, secondary education in Russia, and additional education. The Academy was established in 1986 and qualified more than 3 thousand agronomists, zoo engineers, veterinarians, economists, lawyers, and engineers for the Republican agro-industrial complex. The Academy is one of the largest educational institutions in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The structure of the Academy consists of 4 study faculties and a branch in Oktemskiy village, which is located in the Khangalassky district, the College of Technologies and Management, the Institute of additional professional education, and other training, researching, and supporting units. The Academy provides studying processes in 30 world-class scientific labs and 3 engineering centers with the most modern technical equipment and research facilities. Due to close ties with the most prominent foreign education institutions, the Academy successfully carries out joint projects with the largest Russian and foreign companies.