Saint Petersburg State Forest Technical University

General Information

Saint Petersburg State Forest Technical University is a public institution of higher education in Saint Petersburg city, which provides training and advanced training of highly qualified specialists for industrial, scientific, and educational activities in the field of forestry, forest, wood, timber-chemical, pulp and paper, hydrolysis industry. It is a leading scientific and methodical center of higher forestry education institutions in the Russian Federation

Saint Petersburg State Forest Technical University was founded in 1803 as Tsarskoselsky Forest Institute. In 1992 it was renamed Saint Petersburg Forestry Academy named after SM Kirov. In 1997 Saint Petersburg Forestry Academy was renamed Petersburg State Forest Technical Academy and in 2011 Saint Petersburg State Forest Technical Academy was awarded the status of a university.

 Today Saint Petersburg State Forest Technical University is the first of forest universities, to switch to a multi-level education. In 2011 more than 8,000 international students were studying in 48 study departments. Today Saint Petersburg State Forest Technical University has a staff of 1,500 employees including 82 professors, 325 associate professors, and 250 assistant professors. In 200 years, Saint Petersburg State Forest Technical University has trained over 98,000 professionals in the fields of forest business and natural resources.

The University is training qualified specialists for all branches of the forest industry: silviculture, forest protection, logging, transportation of wood, mechanical and chemical processing of wood, and others. The course duration of Bachelor’s programs is 4 academic years, Specialist programs – 5 academic years, and Master’s programs – 2 academic years.

The training process is conducted in the Russian language. For foreign students without or with insufficient knowledge of the Russian language, there is a preparatory department, where during 1 academic year students learn the Russian language and main subjects for their chosen program of education.

Study Programs

A division and five institutes of the university are located in four buildings on the grounds of the oldest park in the city with a total area exceeding 65 hectares, founded in 1827.

  • Preparatory Courses 
  • Institute of Forest Business and Innovation
  • Institute of Technological Machines and Forest Transportation
  • Institute of Forest and Natural Resources Management
  • Institute of Landscape and Architecture, Construction and Wood Processing
  • Institute of Chemical Wood Biomass Processing and Technospheric Safety
  • Multi-industrial Professional Development Institute
  • College of Secondary Special Education

Accommodation and Housing 

University has 11 student dormitories. Students usually live in a dormitory, which is the nearest to their Institute. Each dormitory has an internet connection and recreation hall; many dormitories have gyms and other sports facilities.

There are 2 or 3 students in a room and bathrooms and kitchens on each floor. Saint Petersburg has a well-developed public transport system, so you can get anywhere you want from each dormitory building. Every room is equipped with modern furniture such as beds, tables, wardrobes, chairs, bedding that changed twice a month, and freely accessible Wi-Fi. 

Saint Petersburg State Technical University of Forestry
Saint Petersburg State University of Forestry
Saint Petersburg State Forest University
Saint Petersburg State Forest Technical Academy